March 20, 2019 BoE Audio
00:50 Board Meeting starts
01:20 Public Comments opening
02:24 Parent of student in Ms. Carrasco’s class
04:02 Ashley Carrasco
12:00 Parent of student in Ms. Carrasco’s class
14:30 Parent of student in Ms. Carrasco’s class
15:23 Peggy Johnston, Mother of Ms. Carrasco
16:45 Josh Verbarg OMA Violations
21:25 Letter of Parent of student in Ms. Carrasco’s class
23:10 Curriculum and Technology – Curriculum changes
31:50 High school Wireless
33:50 Motion to approve
34:25 Personnel & Policy – Policy
37:48 Motion to approve
38:18 Compensation
38:52 Motion to approve
39:30 Board development – BoardDocs
42:20 Repayment of Interfund Loan
43:00 Motion to approve
43:30 Motion to Close meeting
00:00 Resume open meeting
00:28 Motion to approve consent items
01:18 Motion to approve personnel addendum
01:44 Motion to Extend Taylor Contract
02:12 Motion to Extend Andrews Contract
02:36 Motion to Extend Hicklin Contract
03:02 Motion to Extend Hahn Contract
03:28 Motion to Extend Shoemaker Contract
03:52 Motion to Dismiss Carrasco
04:30 Adjourn